Though we’re way past posing for pictures with our backpacks on the front porch, the first day of a new routine is equally as exciting and, sometimes, stressful. This is especially true if you’re getting ready to go back to school, this time as a college student. You have to face your old childhood fears- as an adult! And, of course, one of the foremost things on your mind as you prepare is… WHAT SHOULD YOU WEAR?
As a college student, this question is a bit more loaded. It’s less about your first outfit, and more about making sure your wardrobe is efficient, easily packed, and of course, suits you and your new adventure. Of course, it also has to look great with pearls 😉 Here’s a list of tips to give your closet a makeover and start school with your best outfit forward. (Psssst! These tips work for anyone looking to revamp their closet for any reason!)
1. The first step to a wardrobe makeover is getting rid of clothes. Set a goal in advance, and then try to get rid of even more than you planned. To do so, take out every item from your closet and put it on your bed/couch/floor and ask yourself the following questions:
- Does it fit?
- Have your worn it in the past year?
- Is it in good condition?
- Is it stylish?
- Will you actually wear it?
If you’re able to answer “yes” to all of these questions, that item is a gem and belongs back in your closet. Otherwise, do some soul searching, but you should probably let it go.
2. Separate the items you’re getting rid of into two bags- the dump bag, and the donate bag. Some things, like shoes, are usually too worn to suit someone else, but things that don’t fit or don’t suit your style anymore could make someone else very happy.
3. Go through your now-spacious closet and determine which items you need. You probably won’t be getting them all at once, but an organized list will help you stay focused, shop efficiently and save money. Start with the classics, solid basics and interesting accents and accessories, like blazers, cardigans, pumps and jeans, and scarves, bags and shoes. And of course, don’t forget jewelry! Whether you’re more classic pearls or edgier metals, an outfit isn’t complete without these touches.
4. Don’t forget the weather! If you’re prepping your wardrobe for college, keep in mind where you will be studying and make sure to keep your clothes suitable to the climate.
What are some of your favorite closet makeover tips?
Good luck!