legs window car dirt road

Fashion Trends to Look for in 2017

With 2017 in full swing and just a teeny glimpse of spring on the horizon, some of us are thinking about new clothes. According to the pros, a few of 2016’s popular styles will be trending in 2017 as well, so before you start shopping, make sure to check your closets. As always, we’ve got […]

Early-Bird Swimsuit Guide for 2017

It’s the middle of January, it’s freezing, we plan our days around our hot drinks… What better time to talk about swimsuits, right? While we loooooove winter fashion, we thought we could use a little virtual vacation so we’ve been looking into upcoming bathing suit trends to look forward to when the season turns. Here’s […]


How to Rock a Winter Hat

Ladies, we’re all in this together. And by “this” we mean the sometimes unbearable cold. Sure, furry, cozy, knit layers are awesome and fashionable and make getting dressed a breeze. Boots are obviously one of the very best fashion accessories ever created. Giant scarves and leather gloves make every winter outfit complete. Hot chocolate and […]

Winter Trend: Faux Fur

Whew, it’s cold! We’ve already talked about the importance of layering, we’ve covered coats and boots and all those glorious winter items that are absolutely essential to our wardrobes… And now we’re going to talk about something that is equally as practical, but also super fun! Don’t freak out—– but we’re talking about faux fur! […]

How to Look Great in an Xmas Sweater

We don’t know about you, but we just adore holiday sweaters. We embrace them and all of their cheesy, tacky, fuzzy, brightly colored cheer, and we wear them with STYLE! For all you Pinterest-ers, we know you’ve seen the look we’re referring to, but just in case you haven’t had a chance to study it, […]

What You Should Wear to a Winter Wedding

The holidays, the lights, the snow… Is there anything more romantic than this gorgeous season? The only thing we can think of is a winter wedding! Sure, it’s a schlep to go, but once you’re there, the ambience more than makes up for the chill. Winter colors are so rich and luxurious, and the cold […]

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Holiday Trends You Should Try

Countdown has begun (if you’re like us, it started months ago 😉 ), and holiday celebrations are rapidly approaching! If you’re still debating what to wear to all those fab parties, from family reunion to office to a night out with friends, we’ve got some absolutely gorgeous, wintery, Christmas-y trends you may want to try. […]

winter fun

Winter Skin Daily Checklist

Winter wreaks havoc on our skin. The daily combo of freezing cold and moisture-stripping wind with indoor heating and hot showers leaves our skin and hair dull, flaky, itchy and altogether miserable. Sure, you can throw on some moisturizer for a quick fix, but with a little bit of effort, you can provide your skin […]

Thanksgiving Outfit Inspiration

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we are crazy excited! We just can’t stop obsessing about this Holiday and this season. Is it not the best? It totally is. Plus, the deep colors of fall and winter are so flattering and cozy, we just love getting dressed! We’re all prepared for Thanksgiving day, but […]

How to Wear: Boyfriend Jeans

There are so many fashion trends and styles that we come across, and it’s hard to pinpoint just one or two that we love the most. That being said, we have recognized a certain pattern, or characteristic, that all of our favorite looks tend to have in common: contrast. We love understated styles that incorporate […]

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